Titus is currently serving as the Metro Director for Wayne County FCA. He is passionate about seeing local FCA ministries developed in Detroit and the rest of Wayne County as there are immense possibilities of impacting coaches and student athletes for Christ through the avenue of sports.
Nick is currently serving as a Field Ambassador on Detroit’s east side while coaching football at East English Village. He is passionate about using sports as a platform for discipleship and growing meaningful relationships with athletes and coaches.
Chris is currently serving as a full-time Area Representative on Detroit’s west side. He and his wife have both served as volunteer mentors with FCA for the last year. They are passionate about relationships and discipleship opportunities around them.
Paul is currently serving as a part time Area Representative in the "Downriver" area. After leaving his role in youth ministry, Paul has passionately pursued the growth of FCA in his community and has seen several huddles launched this last year.